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Sharp Idea: 2 Part Home Sharps Disposal.

If you’re managing your medical waste from home, the sharpest idea is to follow these two FDA-approved steps: (1) placing all needles in sharps containers immediately after usage and (2) disposing of those containers following your community’s guidelines (FDA, 2021). Following this two-step process will reduce the probability of “needle sticks, cuts, and punctures from loose sharps” (FDA, 2021). Keeping these items out of reach of children and pets is also of the utmost importance. Also, be sure that you are NOT reusing sharps disposal containers (FDA, 2021). And if you want to decrease the risk of accidentally getting stuck, you should be certain that you NEVER overfill your sharps containers. When your containers are around three-quarters full, you should follow community guidelines for disposal of the container (FDA, 2021).

Community guidelines differ from community to community— obviously: “Sharps disposal guidelines and programs vary depending on where you live. Check with your local trash removal services or health department” (FDA, 2021) to determine how and when you should dispose of your medical waste. You should know that you should find collection sites, like police and fire departments, health departments, appropriate collection sites, hospitals, and, most importantly, medical waste facilities you trust— like EnviCare. You may also be able to find a disposal place near you that has a free or titicular fee, and these sites may allow you to drop any and all household cleaners, like paint or motor oil (FDA, 2021). Many communities have sites that are “typically fee-based, [bu!t] many have special requirements for the types of containers they will collect” (FDA, 2021). There are some that require you to call them upon pickup, and there are others who require you to set up a schedule. The best thing for you to do if you’re handling medical waste from home near us… is to call us so that we can ensure you’re meeting every FDA requirement. We’ve got you! We’re two-stepppin’, and we’re sharp like that.

Call 770-607-5757 to inquire about EnviCare's Residential Sharps Disposal Program


Center for Devices and Radiological Health. (2021, April 28). Best way to get rid of used needles and other sharps. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved December 8, 2022, from

Written By: Karlie Clifton


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